
Wildlife cinematographer with over seven years in the natural history industry, Luca filmed captivating sequences in diverse landscapes like the Alps, the Apennines, Borneo, Namibia, and Spain. 

Collaborating with TV companies, NGOs, and online platforms, he initially documented human-wildlife conflict in Italy and the wildlife of the Apennines. Recently, Luca has focused on Europe, contributing to a five-part series for German and Austrian TV, refining his long-lens techniques. 

His debut short documentary, “The Vanishing Bird,” addressed Helmeted hornbill poaching in Borneo, premiering at film festivals and earning recognition in the National Geographic Short Film Showcase. 

Luca Verducci continues blending technical prowess with a deep passion for conservation, showcasing the delicate balance between human activities and the natural world.

lucav013@gmail.com | +39 338 81 71 408


Some sequences grabbed from my latest projects

Shot over the last two years